
Björn Dæhlie Wool Tech Wind Karla

Björn Dæhlie

Wool Tech WindR Boxer is a technical wool boxer with a wind-tight front perfect for training in cold temperatures.

Comes in soft merino wool with polyester to optimize fit and function.

Merino wool ensures optimal insulation at low-intensity and effectively evaporates excess moisture during high activity.

Flat seams prevent chafing.

Wool Tech WindR Boxer is a technical wool boxer with a wind-tight front perfect for training in cold temperatures.

Comes in soft merino wool with polyester to optimize fit and function.

Merino wool ensures optimal insulation at low-intensity and effectively evaporates excess moisture during high activity.

Flat seams prevent chafing.

Elastic waist band for optimal fit.

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  • Sportís
    Sportís ehf 520 1000 Skeifunni 11, 108 Reykjavík

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