
Sweet Protection Knee/Shin Pads

Sweet Protection

Ergonomically shaped to fit the knee and shin, these pads offer superior comfort and protection

The Knee Shin Pads offers our latest in crash protection. The Knee Shin Pads are ergonomically designed to suit the form of the knee and shin, not having to compromise on comfort while pedaling. Made out of visco elastic soft foam from SAS-TEC the pads has impressive multi-impact …

Ergonomically shaped to fit the knee and shin, these pads offer superior comfort and protection

The Knee Shin Pads offers our latest in crash protection. The Knee Shin Pads are ergonomically designed to suit the form of the knee and shin, not having to compromise on comfort while pedaling. Made out of visco elastic soft foam from SAS-TEC the pads has impressive multi-impact shock absorbing properties without compromising on being soft and comfortable. They are easy to adjust with hooks, have grippy silicone to prevent sagging, and reinforced fabrics in vulnerable areas.

  • Perfectely fitted to knee and shin
  • Comfortable
  • Lightweight
  • Stretchy
  • Visco elastic foam from SAS-TEC

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  • Sportís
    Sportís ehf 520 1000 Skeifunni 11, 108 Reykjavík

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