
Zone 3 Bouyancy Neoprene 5/3mm Sundbuxur Dömu - The Originals

Zone 3

Zone 3 Bouyancy Neoprene 5/3mm Sundbuxur Dömu - The Originals

Improve your speed and technique in the water with our Original 5/3 mm Buoyancy Shorts. Featuring 3mm neoprene down the centre for core buoyancy and 5mm neoprene on the sides to promote hip rotation, our buoyancy shorts prevent your legs from sinking and improve the efficiency of …

Zone 3 Bouyancy Neoprene 5/3mm Sundbuxur Dömu - The Originals

Improve your speed and technique in the water with our Original 5/3 mm Buoyancy Shorts. Featuring 3mm neoprene down the centre for core buoyancy and 5mm neoprene on the sides to promote hip rotation, our buoyancy shorts prevent your legs from sinking and improve the efficiency of every stroke.

Named the ‘Original’ in homage to our 2008 invention of the b uoyancy s hort, this is a design that has been tweaked, improved and refined over the years. Crafted using premium Yamamoto Smoothskin neoprene, since their conception these shorts have helped over ten thousand swimmers strengthen their performance in the water.

Key Features?

  • D esign ed to support by keep ing your body in a horizontal, streamlined position. As a result, your legs do not become a ‘dead weight’ causing drag and forcing you to increase your energy expenditure.
  • 3mm Yamamoto Smoothskin front and back panels enhance core support by increasing leg buoyancy.
  • 5mm Yamamoto Smoothskin side panels promote hip rotation allowing for increased reach with every stroke and therefore a more efficient swim.
  • Designed as a natural feeling alternative to a pull buoy.
  • Comfort focused waistband.
  • Backed by over a decade of positive reviews.

Why use our buoyancy shorts??

To improve your open water swimming technique when training in the pool.

Swimmers of all levels can benefit from using buoyancy shorts. Swimming in triathlon requires your upper body to produce the majority of your power; your legs and core must remain streamlined to prevent your upper body having to work any harder than necessary. These shorts simulate swimming in a wetsuit when you are unable to due to the heat of the water or due to pool rules. If the open water you are swimming is warm enough, you may also wish to use buoyancy shorts as an alternative to a wetsuit – they will fit comfortably over the top of a swimming costume.?

For novice and intermediate swimmers, the main obstacle to increasing swim speed is poor core support. As a result, these swimmers often find themselves dragging sinking legs through the water. Buoyancy shorts help to place the swimmer in the correct horizontal position, allowing them to focus more on arm and stroke technique. Over time, a swimmer’s body position, speed and endurance can be significantly improved by using buoyancy short s when working on technique .

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