


Herzen´s Angelegenheit silki blússa

Nánari lýsing: " Shiny silk blouse with V-neckline and rib details on collar and sleeves. The iridescent model impresses with its elegant presentation thanks to the flowing silk quality, while the oversize fit and ribbed cuffs set sporty accents. "

Efnislýsing: 95% silki og 5% teygja

Herzen´s Angelegenheit silki blússa

Nánari lýsing: " Shiny silk blouse with V-neckline and rib details on collar and sleeves. The iridescent model impresses with its elegant presentation thanks to the flowing silk quality, while the oversize fit and ribbed cuffs set sporty accents. "

Efnislýsing: 95% silki og 5% teygja

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